3D Modeling
July 6, 2024

"Mushroom Pin" closing system renamed to "Pin"

What has changed?
The "Mushroom Pin" closing system has been renamed to "Pin".

How it affects you
This change ensures greater consistency between the app's different languages.

How to use it?
Simply select "Pin" from the list of closing systems as usual.

3D Modeling
July 6, 2024

Closing Systems level UI improvements

What has changed?
The UI for closing systems now uses a dropdown menu instead of separate buttons.

How it affects you
This change streamlines the selection process for closing systems, making it more intuitive.

How to use it?

Click on the « + » icon to display the dropdown menu, then select the desired closing system.

3D Modeling
July 6, 2024

Increase max Beltloop length to 55mm

What has changed?
The maximum length for Beltloops has been increased to 55mm.

How it affects you
You can now create longer Beltloops for better customization.

How to use it?

Modify the length of the Beltloop using the "length" slider.

3D Modeling
July 6, 2024

New Slotted hole closing system

What has changed?
A new "Slotted hole" closing system has been added.

How it affects you
You now have an additional option for closing systems.

How to use it?
Select "Slotted hole" from the closing system dropdown menu.

3D Modeling
July 6, 2024

Draggable thumb trimline

What has changed?
The method for adjusting the thumb trimline has been simplified.

How it affects you
It is now easier and more user-friendly to modify the thumb trimline.

How to use it?

Place your finger on the node and move it to the desired position.

3D Modeling
July 6, 2024

More safety margin for placement rivet holes

What has changed?
The distance for rivet hole placement has been set to 5mm from the border and between holes.

How it affects you
This prevents placement of rivet holes in locations that could impair the quality of the splint.

How to use it?

Ensure rivet holes are placed at least 5mm apart and from any borders.

3D Modeling
July 6, 2024

Thumb circumference visualizer updates when stepping back

What has changed?
A bug affecting the thumb circumference visualizer has been fixed.

How it affects you
The thumb circumference will now update correctly when stepping back in modeling.

How to use it?

Continue using the thumb immobilization modeling as usual; the visualizer will update correctly.

3D Modeling
July 6, 2024

Default brush diameter in FreeForma set to 20mm

What has changed?
The default brush diameter in FreeForma is now set to 20mm.

How it affects you
This prevents the need to reduce the brush diameter from 50mm each time.

How to use it?

Start using the brush in FreeForma; it will default to 20mm diameter.

Scan correction
3D Modeling
July 6, 2024

Limit push/pull at the sculpt level set to 15mm

What has changed?
The maximum limit for adding/removing material has been set to 15mm.

How it affects you
This allows for more precise adjustments when sculpting.

How to use it?Use the slider to add or remove material, up to a 15mm limit.

3D viewer
Web Platform
July 6, 2024

Share compressed file link

What has changed?
A new platform allows users to share scan files and templates.

How it affects you
Easier sharing of files with others.

How to use it?Go to Spentys Share, upload your file, and click the upload button to create a sharing link.

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